Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Safety Management Practices and Safety Compliance â⬠Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Safety Management Practices and Safety Compliance. Answer: Introduction Nearly all, if not all occupations are associated with some kind health effects also called occupational health hazards. Therefore, human resource managers recommend health surveillance as a method of detecting the potential health hazards that workers in such occupations may be exposed to. According to Arcury et al (2012), an early detection of these health hazards enables the implementation of interventions that facilitate the prevention of any possible disease that the workers may be exposed to, or a reduction of the speed with which a disease process may occur among the workers. This essay aims to identify appropriate health surveillance for workers exposed to Silica in a mining quarry which currently employs less than 20 individuals. We acknowledge that while the mining quarry has established certain measures (fogging systems, localized ventilation, and conveyor covers) to suppress the amount of dust the miners are exposed to, the workers are still exposed to a high risk of con tracting respiratory diseases associated with silicon from the crushed rocks. Our main objective is to design a health surveillance measure for workers in the quarrys control room. In doing so, the paper will first identify the health issues that the miners may be exposed to, before identifying a typical surveillance measure and designing an health surveillance for them. The paper will also give a detailed timeline for the implementation of the designed health surveillance measure before making recommendations on the health surveillance issue. While exposure to silica is a major health risk for miners in Australia, there is a paucity of knowledge of what entails proper health surveillance for such workers. Yet, Burgel et al (2013), Chalupka et al (2013) and Grabinski (2015) provide evidence of an increasing trend of Australian quarry miners contracting silicosis. Equally, statistics from Safe Work Australia and Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) indicate that work-related injuries have high-cost implications to the Australian economy, and occupational hazards related to the mining industry have a significant contribution to the cost (Gochfeld et al 2007). From time immemorial, miners exposed to silica have been burdened by occupational health issues, with some of them dying from silicosis a disease caused by a formation of scar tissue in the lung as a result of constant exposure to silica (Hicks et al 2016). In fact, Hong et al (2012) claim that silica has dangerous effects comparable to asbestos and that it has a potential of causing serious health effects to miners in Australia. Against that backdrop, there is a need for mining organizations to identify and establish standardized health surveillance among workers exposed to silica so that they keep their workers safe. Similarly, Hood et al (2007) argue that there is a need for such organizations to consider establishing modern health surveillance approaches since there is a consistent change from historical models of risk surveillance to more modern and effective models. Keeping up with new techniques will facilitate a change from passive approaches to more active approaches to health surveillance (Junaid et al 2016). Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) A major component of granite, sand, rock, soil and other minerals found in the earths crust, crystalline silica dangerous substance consisting of silicon and oxygen (McCillagh et al 2012). The author further comments that silica may exist freely or combined with other elements to form silicates. On the same note, McCauley et al (2012) indicate that the three common types of crystalline silica (tridymite, cristobalite, and quartz) produce dangerous particles when ground, drilled or cut; and that exposure to these particles (especially during mining) is a major health hazard. In Australia, exposure to RCS has been assigned a safety limit of 0.1 milligrams per cubic meter (0.1mg/m3), meaning that an exposure beyond that limit would be considered a health hazard (Maghsoudipour Sarfaraz 2011). While some scholars claim that this limit is low, Pak et al (2013) observe that part of the reason why the limit was set at that point is the declining incidences of silicosis in Australia. However, the author mentions that despite a decline in incidences of silicosis in Australia, exposure to RCS generally has adverse health effects on most Australian miners. All in all, considering our case study, an RCS exposure of 0.15mg/m3 for primary operators and 0.51mg/m3 for secondary operator indicates a high health hazard which needs immediate attention. Silicosis is part of a group of dust-related diseases called pneumoconiosis, majorly characterized by non-malignant and non-neoplastic changes in lungs as a result of exposure to inorganic dust such as asbestos, coal dust or RCS (Rogers et al 2014). Reports by Health Grove indicate that Silicosis cause 1 death per 100,000 people yearly in Australia and an annual loss of healthy life at the rate of 9.4 people per 100, 000 people (Rogers et al 2014). A majority of Australian population working in the mining industry are exposed to silicosis and other RCS related diseases. Similarly, there are reports that a significant section of Australian population serves this industry. For instance, according to the estimates of the Mineral Council of Australia, there are 200,000 indirectly employed and 127,000 directly employed people in the mining industry (Smith Deloy 2014). Hence, while Subramaniam et al (2016) may have observed a general decrease in silicosis-related deaths in Australia, it is still a disease that affects to several Australians every year. Silicosis affects human health through a definitive pathophysiology, where deposits of RCS in the lung interstitium damage the lungs epithelial cells and release various inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis) and enzymes. According to Savinainen Oksa (2011), these inflammatory cytokines attract other inflammatory cells such as neutrophils, and macrophages which have a potential of damaging the lung parenchyma. Equally, Siddiqui et al (2011), Taormina et al (2013) and Walker (2013) propose that even an exposure to low doses of silica may lead to the inability of a worker to have their lungs cleared of inhaled dust, a condition which results from hilar lymph node fibrosis. When the lung parenchyma of a worker is exposed to collagen nodules and hyaline as a result of constantly inhaling silica, the worker may be susceptible to either complicated or simple silicosis. According to Steiner (2011), complicated silicosis is a radiology definition of a situation where the workers x-ray results show coalescent fibrosis while simple silicosis is where there are no signs of coalescent fibrosis. According to James et al (2014), silicosis is identified a common problem to miners majorly because complicated silicosis normally contributes to the development of other significant health complications such as respiratory disability and breathlessness. Equally, Al Amiry (2015) claims that while it is not proven that complicated silicosis leads to the formation of other lung-related complications such as lung cancer and tuberculosis, they are normally perceived as additional complications among persons with silicosis. Chronic Obscure Pulmonary Disease (COPD) A typical complication with COPD is a largely irreversible and lowly developing obstruction of a victims airflow. While cigarette smoking is regarded as the main cause of this complication, Groenewold Baron (2013) and Hong et al (2012) agree that exposures to silica as an occupational risk may also be a cause. Similarly, there are several studies supporting RCS as a causative agent of COPD. For instance, a meta-analysis by Arcury et al (2012) reveals that exposure to silica dust had a positive correlation with COPD. The meta-analysis involved 13 cohort studies that were conducted among coal miners. Apart from the observation that the miners were at a high risk of contracting COPD, the risk was discovered to be higher if the miners were smokers. A recent review by the United States National Institute of Safety and Occupational Health (NIOSH) revealed pathological and epidemiological evidence suggesting that constant exposure to RCS may cause airflow obstruction as a result of chronic small airways disease or chronic bronchitis (Chalupka et al 2013). Similarly, according to the author, the study revealed that emphysema was a predominant complication associated with obstructed airflow as a result of exposure to RCS. Hence, we can summarise that RCS can cause chronic bronchitis or emphysema which can result in airflow obstruction. A review of studies in the Britain on the evidence of increased exposure to COPD in industries and occupations such as tunnelling, cement production, ceramic production, pottery and steel and iron founding, and gold mining found that a consistent exposure to silica in these kinds of environments exposed the workers to COPD as a result of silica exposure (Chalupka et al 2013). RCS is also said to be a causative agent of rheumatoid silicotic nodules which are often found on the lungs of miners and are a risk factor for lung cancer (Gochfeld et al 2007). Similarly, according to Hicks et al (2016), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reveals RCS as a potential carcinogen for human lungs, although there has been a major debate whether silica rather than silicosis is the most important causative agent for lung cancer. Other major health complications associated with RCS include renal and autoimmune diseases. Similarly, according to Burgel et al (2013), RCS has largely been reported to have a causative relationship with systematic lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, scieroderma and rheumatoid arthritis. Typical Risk assessment and health surveillance for RCS A typical way of conducting a risk surveillance of RCS exposure is through a measurement of the airborne concentration. According to Hong et al (2012), this method is appropriate because RCS only becomes a health risk when it is inhaled. Hence, In Australia, the most common methodology of conducting a surveillance of RCS health risk is air-monitoring. This a technique used to measure the particle size of RCS as an occupational health risk. According to Hicks et al (2016), these particle sizes are sampled and defined by AS 2985 (2004) which is a protocol established by ISO 7708 of 1995 for the same purpose. Based on AS 2985 of 2004, a respirable dust is defined as the portion of airborne materials which penetrate to un-ciliated airways when inhaled. In Australia, air-monitoring and analysis are carried out using X-ray diffraction or infrared spectroscopy as guided by the National Health and Medical Research Council (Chalupka et al 2013). According to Burgel et al (2013), a procedure that involves modern analytical instruments operated by a professional would take 8 hours per 8-hour work shift before an acceptable level of certainty over the RCS concentration is achieved. Similarly, Arcury et al (2012) argued that if a test process would last way shorter than 8 hours, for example, 4 hours or below, then the results may fall short of the legally set standard of proof of interference. However, any test that lasts longer than 4 hours is capable of providing proper compliance monitoring indicators and monitoring of concentrations (Gochfeld et al 2007). Nevertheless, according to Arcury et al (2012), the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) recommend a fully 8-hour sampling or a 12-hour for 8 hours and 12 hours work shift respectively. Similarly, the AIOH strongly recommends laboratory equipment accredited by the Australian National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) for use in the RCS surveillance and analysis. Health Surveillance Measures Upon conducting the monitoring and assessment, the organization can choose to control the exposure levels by drafting an action plan to help eliminate the amount of dust the miners are exposed to (Junaid et al 2016). However, according to Arcury et al (2012), this should be after inviting an occupational health professional to conduct health surveillance, where health hazards of the identified RCS are measured. The author further explains that health surveillance may typically include a review of whether there are residual adverse effects of RCS exposure to the miners health. It means testing the miners respiratory and skin functioning, as well as inspecting of their urine methanol levels (Chalupka et al 2013). Therefore, as will be shown in the subsequent section, a full RCS health surveillance would include a full exposure and occupational history of the employees, several medical tests (spirometry and blood or urine test), interpretation of results from individual tests, a full report and information on levels of exposure and a compilation of the surveillance report for each employee (Gochfeld et al 2007). During the surveillance, there is a need to ensure that the exposure levels for each employee are well captured and recorded so that they can easily be used for future references. The proper recording also ensures that a new employer is not falsely accused of previous exposures (Chalupka et al 2013). Surveillance before Exposure to RCS For purposes of record keeping, it is important that the workers demographical data are collected especially at their first time of admission into the organization. The following information is contained in the demographic data for each employee: This section contains the employees work history and an identification of whether the employee has had any previous exposure to RCS. Similarly, this section will identify the employees current level of exposure to RCS and whether they have, and use the recommended RCS protective gears. There will be an examination of whether any worker currently displays any symptoms to RCS as well as whether an employee has a history smoking. Similarly, this section of the schedule will use a standardized questionnaire (The Bronchial Symptoms Questionnaire) as part of the medical examination process. Upon conducting the medical investigation, the workers should be exposed to a session of professional medical advice, which enlightens them of the medical risks associated with exposure to RCS and how to minimise such risks. The health surveillance at this stage will be deemed to be effective it provides all the necessary information to prove that the worker was or was not exposed to RCS in his previous place of work. Similarly, an effective surveillance before exposure gives a detailed medical history of the employee for future reference. Health Surveillance during Exposure to RCS As part of the information to be included in the health records of each employee, there will be a collection of details from any formally conducted assessment especially those that are in compliance with NIOSH. Similarly, part of the employee health records will include their job descriptions as well as the start and finish dates. Similarly, all the results of personal and atmospheric monitoring will be included as part of this data. Besides taking the health records for each employee, there will be a periodic (after every 5 years) medical evaluation which includes taking of their medical history, occupational history, physical examination, and investigation (a repeat of steps 1 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)). The periodic medical evaluations will also be accompanied by their respective epidemiological survey as part of the comprehensive medical evaluation. Equally, there is a need to inform the employer of any abnormal results to enable them to establish proper control measures. Health surveillance during exposure is considered effective when it provides all the information pertaining to the employees health condition enough to facilitate any medical action towards improving the health and well-being of each employee. For instance, it will be considered effective if it ensures that all the workers wear protective gears any time they are within the quarry area. During employee termination, it is important to have comprehensive information about the employee including the reason for termination and date of termination. Equally, if the employee is terminated due to ill health, it is important to record the details of the illness. Likewise, id employee dies during service, the date and cause of death must be recorded. When the employee is terminated, it is important to take them through a final medical examination which includes medical history, physical examination, and investigation. Health surveillance at termination will be considered effective if it establishes the workers exposure levels or status at termination. This means that an effective surveillance at termination should compare the workers level of RCN exposure before joining the organization (before exposure) and at termination. Conclusion Workplace risk assessment should be the basis upon which the development of RCS health surveillance is conducted. Similarly, the health safety of employees in silica-exposed workplaces is only guaranteed when they accept the RCS-based health surveillance as a normal health routine which must be abided by at all costs. In fact, the employees should be involved in the development of health surveillance programs and if need be, there should be adequate training on the importance of fully participating in such programs. There is also a need to orient and inform the workers of how they will be handled during the surveillance program, especially when any abnormal results are detected during testing. This will prepare them psychologically for any outcome and promote their compliance levels to the entire program. Equally, all the information recorded during the health surveillance program should be shared with each individual employee who should then give consent for the information to be passed on to their primary health care provider. Upon collection of such records, they should be kept separately from the organizations human resources to promote confidentiality. For purposes of maintaining standards for RCS-related health surveillance, there is a need to establish and maintain a standardized health surveillance program for all workers within the Australian mining and related industry. On the same note, there is a need to maintain a standardized questionnaire (e.g. the Bronchial Symptoms Questionnaire) and health data recording template as part of maintaining a standardized health surveillance program within Australia. 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